Paddle Blade Blanks with Knots

Check out bookmatched blades featuring barnboard knots, flyover pine knots, redwood knots, and cedar knots.

paddle blade knot choices

In above picture - left side paddle is barnboard, 2nd from left is flyover pine, middle paddle is same cedar as Yuba and Klamath seen below, second from right is a custom barn board blade and New Moon shaft, and right most blade is another barn board paddle

9/13 - adding more pics. Frustration is mounting as finding the right light is proving VERY DIFFICULT. Both the cedar and the inner barn board surface are MUCH richer, and more honey colored than what is coming through in the pics. Will try to find the right setup to get 'truer' colors. Both cedar and barn board are gorgeous when wetted with epoxy and varnish. HUGE difference between the dry pre-finish surface and the 'wet' finished surface. Knotty blades are all in bookmatched pairs. Each image shows both front and back sides. Price shown is for 'as is'. I can usually do more work on the pair if desired. In those cases I will send a Paypal invoice with a revised price reflecting the additional work.

picture of paddle blades

Barn Bella Coola

smallish knot, but tight. Outside patina minimally worked, mostly still present. Inner side of pieces is gorgeous honey color.

picture of of paddle blades

Barn Skagit

Big tight knot. Already added poplar inner blade pieces.

picture of paddle blades

Barn Sauk

book matched. Minimally worked. I can do it or maker can shape as desired. Inner side is beautiful honey color.

picture of of paddle blades.

Barn Missoula


picture of of paddle blades

Barn Lost Trail


picture of of paddle blades

Barn Kootenai


picture of of paddle blades.

Barn Junction City


picture of of paddle blades

Barn Bighorn


picture of of paddle blades

Barn Tendoy


picture of of paddle blades.

Barn Arapaho


picture of paddle blades

Barnboard paddle


picture of a

Barnboard paddle


picture of paddle blades.

Cedar Elko

Oldish cedar. Unknown provenance. Heavenly smell when working this. Elko and Shoup are from same piece, it there is interest in a matching pair of paddles.

picture of paddle blades

Cedar Shoup

from same piece as Elko. One face is the exterior of the wood, so some extra work will be required to get that face more 'refined'.

picture of .

Cedar Shasta


picture of a

Cedar Yuba

an interesting piece of western red cedar I happened upon. Very dark. Hints of chatoyance in the grain pattern.

picture of a

Cedar Klamath

same piece as yuba. Very dark cedar. Interesting hints of chatoyance can be seen in the pattern.

picture of a

Cedar Denali


picture of a

Cedar Shuksan


picture of a

Cedar Tonasket


picture of a

Cedar Wasatch


picture of a

Cedar Rainier


picture of a

Knotty Cedar


picture of a

Knotty Cedar


picture of .

Redwood - Asymmetric knot

One of my favorite blade pairs. Knot is 'fading'. It is strong on one side and much smaller and subtle on the other side. Rest of the wood is gorgeous clear vertical-grain redwood. Trying to get new pictures that better show the rich dark red color of these pieces. This image is washed out, but finding the right light is difficult.

picture of a

Knotty Redwood


picture of a

Knotty Redwood
