SUP paddles with reclaimed redwood
It's beautiful stuff this reclaimed redwood. I can't find any of it here in flyover
country, so I buy chunks of reclaimed redwood from a couple sources. Usually the chunks are beams salvaged
from a demolished building. I imagine the beams are from an old school house. Nobody knows the true provenance, but
that is how this paddle model found its name. About half the time, an Old School Red is a Solid Citizen cedar shaft and handle married to reclaimed
redwood blades. The other paddles are all redwood, shaft and blade.
Usually Old School Reds are build to order paddleboard or canoe paddles, but on occasion I can make it into a kit.
Call if you are interested.
enjoying time on the Yahara River, Wisconsin near Dyreson bridge; Old School Red with reclaimed curly redwood blade.
The two left-side paddles are Old School Reds with three walnut shaft pieces, reclaimed curly redwood blade pieces and a redwood center piece on the shaft. The two right side paddles feature reclaimed cear vertical grain redwood blades.
Lake Wazeecha, WI. left side paddle is a new Splash paddle; front right is an Old School Red covering a Solid Citizen.